Thursday, 14 June 2012

Art work ( Photo manipulation )

Yeah!! such a good day but a bit bored.. hihihi

Hari ini, oleh kerana hari sedikit bosan, dan bosan dengan main game and main keyborad  saya terfikir untuk mencari idea baru berkaitan dengan Photo manipulation with frame inside. Software yang digunakan ialah, Photoshop dan juga software Photoscape untuk menambahkan effect dalam gambar.

Terimalah gambarku yang berjudul! ahhaha macam lagulah pula.. Bertemakan tone gambar LAMA.

so HERE we go :)

picture of the day :)
osongboy photo © 2012 

by: Bendly Roy Baninus


(mymoonlog) said...

hi,thank you for your visit
join my blog mymoonlog

Unknown said...

yeah yeah :) follo-wed ::) hihihi

dont wory... i am...216 :) hihihihi

Anonymous said...

Manipulasnya pake software apa sob? share dikit lha hehe

Unknown said...

manipulasi pake software photoshop and effect menggunakan photoscape.
And entry akan datang akan ada tutorialnya. Stay tune. Cuman bukan dari segi tutorial video. ^^

share tuh bisa aja koq. :)

© 2012 Your Net Photography, AllRightsReserved Bendly Roy

( ^_^)y

About Me

I am not a Photographer. I just Love to express my personality trough some kind of beautiful and meaningful picture ( Dimension ). - Bendly Roy -

Its depend on what people thought about me. But still, I am capable to do what other's (photographer) did too. So, don't hesitate to ask me favour (anything).

It might be free of charge and depends (mau belanja or tidak). hahaaha.

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